Tuesday, January 5, 2010

It's all about the coffee bean.

Coffee Beans: A Guide for The Aspiring Gourmet

Author: Damian Papworth

There's more to drinking coffee than just walking into a shop and asking for a small, medium, or large cup of whatever the house blend is. The amount of time and effort it takes to grow and harvest coffee beans around the world deserves a little more respect from the average consumer, especially since the delicate taste you get has nothing to do with the barista at Starbucks, and more to do with faraway volcanic slopes and mountain ridges.

Yes, what really makes coffee taste great are the beans themselves, or the special regions in countries around the world where the weather gets together to create the perfect growing environment. To learn a little bit more about the world's different coffee producing regions, as well as the most popular beans, you needn't look any further than this handy guide, which will teach you how to make the best possible pot of coffee around just by learning which brands to select.

Sulawesi Toraja Kalossi

One of the most popular and rare varieties of Arabica coffee around, these coffee beans grow at extremely high altitudes on the island of Sulawesi. The coffee is full-bodied, slightly more acidic than the similar Sumatra blend, and known for its fruit and dark chocolate undertones. As far as Malaysian coffee goes, this is one of the finest beans coming out of the area, and it commands high prices.

Ethiopian Sidamo

Didn't know that one of the birthplaces of coffee was in Ethiopia? Well it was, where for hundreds of years, brewing the beans has been an important part of cultural and religious ceremony alike. Now, the different coffee producing regions in Ethiopia export their world-famous coffee, and no blend is quite as great as Ethiopian Sidamo, a single origin version of Arabica coffee grown in the Sidamo Province of Ethiopia. The beans themselves are small and grey in color, when unnroasted, but once prepared after the harvest, the flavor is unlike anything else. Deep, aromatic, and almost spicy, the coffee has a distinctive floral aroma and a taste that's not entirely different from fine red wine or dark chocolate.

Ethiopian Harrar

One of the oldest coffee beans used, Harrar coffee beans grow only in the eastern highlands of Ethiopia, and require sorting and processing done entirely by hand, due to the brittle nature of the bean. The bean itself is medium in size, but has a distinct flavor that most people compare to an expensive glass of fruity red wine. The aroma is equally pleasant, and Ethiopian Harrar beans are sold in many gourmet stores around the world.


Leave it to Brazil to make one of the most interesting coffee beans in the game. Instead of high acidity, like so many other varieties of Arabica coffee, this bean instead produces a light-bodied brew with surprisingly low acidity. The hot, humid climate in Brazil is what makes the beans so low in acidity, and the lower growing elevation means that harvests can be timed to when the fruit on the plant still smells sweet, which carries over into the beans once roasted.

It's important to realize how popular blends are within the world of coffee, too. Sometimes, one of these beans tastes even better if it's offset with another, perhaps one that compliments that aroma or allows for more complex undertones of flavor. Mixing beans to produce the perfect cup of coffee is nothing new, and if you're looking to really get into the intricate world of coffee beans and their distinctive flavors, go ahead and get a bean grinder, and start the experimentation process at home.

Regardless of how or where you're shopping for your coffee, please take a moment to consider whether or not it is fair-trade. The world of coffee harvesting is tough stuff, and most of the people who do it never receive proper financial credit for the amount of time and effort they put in. With different fair-trade companies around the world, many of which are easy to buy (just walk into Whole Foods or Trader Joes and ask), it makes giving credit where credit is due a whole lot easier of a task.

About the Author:

Damian Papworth recently tried an 8 cup coffee maker. It was an excellent way to end his dinner party. As such, he launched the One Cup Coffee Makers website.

Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - Coffee Beans: A Guide for The Aspiring Gourmet

Monday, September 7, 2009

Discovering new places to drink coffee is one of life's greatest pleasures.
I made the trip to a festival near St.Pete the other day and loved to stop at all of the coffee shops. Yes, I drink lots of coffee. I especially like to be where they roast their own coffee. The small coffee shops have major competition in sheer numbers from the major houses, but it is the extra love they place in the cup that makes the difference. So, long live the small local coffee shop.

Johnny Ray

Friday, August 14, 2009

Half Hout Meals

I hav ejust found the most amazing site I wanted to share with everyone Half Hour Meals I hope you enjoy it.
Johnny Ray

Thursday, July 30, 2009

World Garden Coffee

With only a few coffee roasters in North West Arkansas, World Garden is raising the bar on what a great coffee establishment should be. Not only do they roast 100% organic Arabica beans but they support the coffee farmers by engaging in Fairtrade. Their beans come from 18 origins and results in many different flavors. If you think you are a coffee connoisseur then try to identify them at one of their competitions. Yes, that sounds like a lot of fun to me.

World Garden sends a portion of their revenue to feed the children around the world that need help. A portion of their coffee sales also go to improve the coffee farmer’s quality of life. They also provide a portion of their dessert sales to support local abuse/neglect shelters.

Knowing that you have such great owners that do the right thing makes you feel good in ordering from them. Their web site is https://www.worldgardensalads.com/Home_Page.html

And their address is

World Garden
2905 S. Walton Blvd
Metro Market, Suite 29
Bentonville, AR 72712

Their coffee is fantastic. They know exactly how to roast the beans to bring out the oils giving it the full rich body taste you would expect in an espresso but with no burnt after taste. I have prepared the coffee many ways and it has not disappointed me yet. I prefer a dark deep espresso prepared Italian style on the stove and it is fantastic. Cuban style is also perfect with great foam. First thing this morning, the French press got me going. Yes, I drink a lot of coffee.

The coffee has a clean brisk taste with a slight aroma of chocolate. I can tell the caffeine is not too strong which is what you would expect of a dark roast. One of the ways you can tell it is a good organic coffee is the lack of an after taste that can ruin a good cup of coffee. This coffee is good—very good.

So, for great coffee and food the trip to this coffee shop is worth it. While I saw nothing on the site about shipping coffee, I think if you call the owner something can be worked out.

Johnny Ray

What to see and do while traveling the world starts with finding the perfect coffee shop and wine bar.

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